Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Update.............it's 2010 already?!!!!!

Okay guys so Jayden has gotten much bigger since the last video and pictures I posted, sorry I haven't kept up to date like I was, alot of things have happened since 2008, when my fiance and I lived in my parents house in Nappyland, we ended up moving out and into a little trailer park, the trailer was a piece of dilapidated shit, after about a year there and making the mistake of moving my friend/sister and her kids in, we packed up and moved to Brooklyn, after the many peaceful winter months, we moved in on Jay's 3rd birthday, the spring finally came, when the beginning of summer hit, we tried to get to know our neighbors, so we had a cookout.

Everything went great then three days later shit hits the fan and the neighbors learned of Calvin's f'd up past, so they ran him out of the neighborhood, since then everything has went from getting better to total shit storm, sorry I'm obsessed with the movie Zombieland at the moment. Oh and not to get off topic but I will be putting up the link to my Polyvore, where I've been making sets for the chapters of my many Fan Fictions. So anywho, now I'm looking into moving back to Jacktown and I'm trying to get a place where my Aunt used to live, because it's section 8 housing and they'll go by my income, so rent will be dirt cheep, and that's really good for this single momma.

So I will be posting whole bunches of stuff on here of Jaytoon, that's one of his many new nicknames, I like to call him my Pookie Pudin Pie or just Pookie for short, but it's stuck cause now my whole family is calling him it. Okay so for a teaser I'm going to post a few as recent as I can get pictures of Jay and a short vid of him making a wish in a Chinese buffet wishing well, along with the Polyvore link, well I gots to go, here they are and keep your peepies peeled for lots of new stuff. By The way Jayden is three years old now and I'm like slooooooooooow down child...hehehe!!!!

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