Wednesday, July 2, 2008

The Shaky Beginning

Well I'm possibly pregnant I'll know in a week or so.My finance is so excited he thinks its twins cause they run in his family I pray that if it is twins at least one of them is a girl but if I know fate it will be boys.Which doesn't bother me just to be pregnant again is a blessing.
I've picked out names if it's a boy and a girl I'll name them Brayden Eries and Emily Rose,if it's to girls I'll name them Emily Rose and Treyla Ariee,and if it's boys I'll name them Brayden Eries and Hayden Skyler.I just hope the father to be is ok with those names if I know him he loves me enough to except my decision.Well I'm outie I'll update you as soon as I know something.

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